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Signal: ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿

Titu Rautjärvi
Roolipelipöytä 5, (4 h)
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Crashing outside Vitruvis, the City of Glass, in a roaring mess of fire and light, a massive vessel of unknown origins now lies motionless upon the desert sands.

From within its wrecked hull a small red beacon flashes intermittently. A transmission with no receiver, its technology unknown to these arcane lands.

The local Council D'Arcana has quarantined the vessel within a forcefield, not yet certain of the dangers it might possess for the city nearby.

But unbeknownst to them a section of the hull breached deep beneath the sands, all the way to solid stone, intersects with ancient catacombs, that have become a smugglers' paradise. The forcefield powerless against the ancient tunnels, is leaving those below an unexpected opening.

You are a criminal working under the local crime family and this is an offer you can't refuse. Enter, explore and bring back everything of worth.

For where there is discovery and scarcity, there is profit to be made no matter the cost.


In this genre and setting -mixing experience, you get to explore a sci-fi setting with your D&D 5e high fantasy skill-set. Put it all to a test in a race against the government and the vessel itself. You can make your own 5th level character or choose from a variety of templates made with this one shot in mind.

Warning! This game contains elements typical for sci-fi-, psychological-, and existential-horror.

(Cw: body-horror, death, gore, radiation, severe injuries, suffocation)

Game slogan: Horror, Discovery, ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿
RPG system: D&D 5e
Minimum attendance: 3
Maximum attendance: 5
Day: lauantaiCategory: RoolipeliohjelmaTarget Audience: No age limitTarget Audience: For experiencedLanguage: EnglishRoom: Roolipelipöytä 5Advance Registration: Registration via KonstiTickets: With Tracon ticket