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Chaos League Collective - an Underdog History

Alessandro Giovannucci
Sali 103, (1 h 45 min)
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Chaos League is a collective of game designers, artists, educators and activists founded in Italy in 1992. In this presentation we will talk about their work, aesthetics and how they have contributed to the international larp scene. We will present their work, from massive larp played in the Sahara desert or gigantic movie studios to small and intimate chamber larps, from educational rpgs to poetic games that talk about human nature and how role-playing can be political. We will see how the world of larp has changed over the past 30 years and some possible future developments. Expect moments of reflection, stories and comic/bizarre anecdotes. By Ropecon 2024 Guest of Honour Alessandro Giovannucci.

Dag: lauantaiProgramtyp: TalkProgramtyp: PresentationTema: Guests of HonorSal: Sali 103Språk: English