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Teenage monsters with great love

Mari Nikkarinen
Sali 304, (4 h)
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Player characters are teens, who try to survive their tangled relationships while their secret, mystical, magical and at times even monstrous side causes additional issues. The game delves into the confusion and horror of teenagerhood using literal monsters as allegories for the issues of the characters.

The game may contain sexual themes and digging of different teenage traumas, and is not recommended for players who might find that distressing.

Game slogan: Teenage relationship debacle, but Powered by the Apocalypse
RPG system: Monsterhearts 2
Minimum attendance: 2
Maximum attendance: 4
Content warnings: The game has a theme of teenage sexuality, otherwise the themes can be tailored to what the players want.
Day: sunnuntaiProgram Type: GamingTopic: Pen & Paper RPGTopic: MonstersRoom: Sali 304Target Audience: For 18+ onlyTarget Audience: Beginner-friendlyPlaystyle: LightPlaystyle: Rules-lightPlaystyle: Character-drivenLanguage: English