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Erno "Ken Heine" Soinila
Sali 306, (3 h)
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The scenario takes place in 1980s or early 1990s, in a quiet countryside town, somewhere in the United States. The players are a bunch of criminals who only know each other by codenames. The crew has been put together by a mob boss in order to rob a local bank. Inside is a military payroll, in cash.

Things go wrong almost immediately – the local police surround the bank shortly after the crew has entered. They are stuck inside with hostages and haven’t even opened the vault yet. The nearest city is roughly one hour away. That is about the time police special forces will take to arrive on the scene. The robbers must decide what to do before then!

Game slogan: Violent crime story about a bunch of bank robbers in middle of a heist where everything suddenly goes wrong.
RPG system: Fail Forward
Minimum attendance: 3
Maximum attendance: 6
Content warnings: violence that can be expected in a bank robbery scenario
Day: lauantaiProgram Type: GamingTopic: Pen & Paper RPGRoom: Sali 306Accessibility: Loud soundsTarget Audience: Aimed at adult attendeesTarget Audience: Beginner-friendlyPlaystyle: Rules-lightPlaystyle: Character-drivenLanguage: FinnishLanguage: English