< Takaisin tapahtuman Solmukohta 2024 ohjelmaan

The ABC of organiser support

Henrika 4, (1 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Safety and support offered to players or event participants is nowadays routine. Could it be routine also for organisers?

In this program item we go through the basics of organiser support, such as: What is organiser support; levels and types of support; creating safe working practices and atmosphere; active and proactive support; the limits of supporting; challenges and problems. We will also discuss our own experiences. After the presentation there will be open discussion.

Niina, Sergio and Pauliina form the Solmukohta 2024's organiser support team.

Päivä: perjantaiTapahtuma: SolmukohtaOhjelman tyyppi (Solmukohta): Talk (lecture, lightning talks etc.)Sali (Solmukohta): Henrika 4Ennakkoilmoittautuminen: Ei