< Takaisin tapahtuman Solmukohta 2024 ohjelmaan

First They Came

Klubisauna, (2 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Berlin 1942. You heard them coming with sirens blaring and ran to the attic. It’s dark here. You hear a whisper. You are not alone. We will step into the role of those persecuted by the regime for ethnic, political, gender or religious reasons. Deep and human characters, with their doubts and weaknesses, looking for a difficult redemption. It's a deep and intimate experience. We will play in an entirely dark room, so voices and sounds will be very important for the experience.

Content warnings: Nazism, violence, racism, gender discrimination, disability

Päivä: lauantaiTapahtuma: SolmukohtaOhjelman tyyppi (Solmukohta): LarpSali (Solmukohta): KlubisaunaEnnakkoilmoittautuminen: Kyllä, Konstin kautta