< Takaisin tapahtuman Solmukohta 2024 ohjelmaan

Finding Connection and Intimacy in shared silence.

Winter garden, (45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Participants will be ably to portray and improvise different forms of intimacy (between family, friends, lovers), We will start with an explanatory input. After that (most of) the exercises will happen in silence in order to focus on playing with physical distance, touch, breath and gaze.

Content warnings: Potential physical touch with strangers (you always decide if, where and how you want to be touched!!)

Päivä: lauantaiTapahtuma: SolmukohtaOhjelman tyyppi (Solmukohta): WorkshopSali (Solmukohta): Winter gardenEnnakkoilmoittautuminen: Kyllä, Konstin kautta