< Takaisin tapahtuman Solmukohta 2024 ohjelmaan

Are we the baddies?

Henrika 4, (45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

What makes a good antagonist? It doesn't always have to be a moustache twirling villain. Various media show us tons of fascinating baddies and people we love to hate, but why is that? Can we ask other larpers to perform fictional villainous acts? How do we perform those actions safely and get what we want when we ask for oppression play? What does it ask from both the players playing the antagonists and the people who want to be antagonised? And what does it take after the larp is done? We'll be talking to larpers who have ideas about or experience with antagonists and see if we can answer some of these (and more!) questions.

Content warnings: References to violence (all forms), oppression, bullying

Päivä: perjantaiTapahtuma: SolmukohtaOhjelman tyyppi (Solmukohta): Panel discussionSali (Solmukohta): Henrika 4Ennakkoilmoittautuminen: Ei