< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Quest for the Last Dragon Egg

Jesse Fokkema
Sali 316, (3 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

There are many fantastical creatures and wonders in the lands of Fantasia; the Sky Towers of the mushroom folk, mad witches with endless promises and a lush rainforest that grows on the bottom of a lake. The dragons however, have gone all but extinct. Some say they left for another world, some say the dragons are hibernating deep deep underground, others blame the devout followers of St. George, who killed seven dragons in one year.

But... One last dragon egg remains. Whoever manages to find and keep the egg will shape the course of history, that is for certain. Bringing a new age of dragons to the world, reducing the concept of dragons to mere fantasy or to harness the dragon eggs power for personal gain.

What will you do if your quest is successful?

On this epic journey you play as a group of adventurers with a common goal: to find the last dragon egg. Many challenges will stand in the way of our heroes; wild elemental forces, other egg hunters and maybe even conflict within the party (although this will be discussed before the game starts). Each character wants to find the dragon egg, but it might be for very different reasons. All premade characters come with a hidden goal which might conflict with another character's one. We will discuss the conflicts in the party before the game starts and we will decide as a group if and how we will use those, so all of us can enjoy the game.

Daggerheart is a game system that encourages cooperative play and creating a story together. It is relatively rules-light and we will learn the game together by using the premade characters at the start of the game. You can join the game as a total beginner.

What to bring: note paper, pencil, 2d12 of different color, 1 of each rpg dice set The GM: Jesse works with theatrical improvisation as a teacher, show host and performer. He is creating a new event / community around storytelling called Story Bath and in his free time he hosts lots of role playing games.

Pelin slogan: High fantasy adventure roller coaster
Pelisysteemi: Daggerheart
Minimiosallistujamäärä: 3
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 5
Sisältövaroitukset: Boundaries will be discussed at the table
Päivä: perjantaiOhjelmatyyppi: PelaaminenTeema: PöytäroolipelitTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 316Esteettömyys: Kesto yli 2 tuntia ilman taukojaKohderyhmä: Sopii kaiken ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenPelityyli: KevytPelityyli: Kevyet säännötPelityyli: TarinavetoinenKieli: Englanti