< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Fear and Loathing on Trascos

Janne Korpi
Sali 306, (4 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

Greets compayra,

This is hardly an official task assignment, but then again the task is hardly official either.

Attached is the file about Trascos, likely one of the worst hellholes ever to circle a red dwarf. The planet is nearly uninhabitable, and the only reasons anybody is interested in it are that it has the biggest and purest trassium ore veins that you'll find anywhere, and because there are old Titan ruins beneath the surface, or one of the toxic seas. Study the file well, you may need it to avoid being burned to a crisp, frozen to a stick, eaten by a landworm or die screaming in an acidic swamp.

Officially, Trascos is under Imperial jurisdiction - they got there first, just before we did. A group of native Dwarves and a tribe of Shfatha managed to make their home there already, but Imperium did manage to ferry a couple of thousand unlucky buggers of their own to man the trassium mines and to show that it's occupied. Now, the erstwhile governor got himself killed - and the Imperials are saying it's a murder, by one of our agents. They've apprehended somebody, but are not saying who it is. And we need to somehow solve this mess.

So, this is where you come in.

We're putting together a team of five, you included, who has the full Federated Stars authority to solve the situation how you see fit (you shouldn't expect the Imperials to respect that much of course, but they will honour our contracts with them, which gives you some authority). What we expect is the following: - Minimum result: You find out what really happened to the governor, and who, if any, killed him - Ideal result: Provide solid proof to your findings and deliver it to us (not the Imperials!) - Bonus result: Anything you can do to promote Federated Stars' future control of Trascos or hinder Imperial control of the same will earn you a nice bonus. Provided you don't get caught doing so.

We're assigning the patrol cruiser Valiagis to deliver you to the system. The crew is highly experienced in missions such as these and will help you logistically and provide communications, but they are not part of your team. You can make your own arrangements with the Captain as you see fit.

Good luck. You will meet the rest of the team onboard Valiagis - I suggest you get to know them well before you make landfall.

Colonel-Marshal Henrik Macarian Federated Stars Expeditionary Marshalls Office

--- Set in a science fantasy world with space travel, high tech and magic Five pre-generated characters: Mission leader, shaman/priest, explorer/archeologist/mage, biomedical expert, tech expert Emphasis on role playing, spiced with action, problem solving and mortal danger Intuitive, beginner-friendly rules, based on own RPS under development for 30+ years If one or more non-Finnish speakers are participating, the session will be in English - otherwise we use Finnish

Pelin slogan: Murder mystery on a remote, contested planet
Pelisysteemi: Phoenix RPS; own system that's been in constant use (and occasional development) since 1991
Minimiosallistujamäärä: 4
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 5
Sisältövaroitukset: Death and violence, PTSD, potentially mental abuse and mass murder
Päivä: perjantaiOhjelmatyyppi: PelaaminenTeema: PöytäroolipelitTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 306Esteettömyys: Kesto yli 2 tuntia ilman taukojaEsteettömyys: Rajatut mahdollisuudet liikkumiseenEsteettömyys: Tekstiä, josta ei ole saatavilla nauhoitetta tai jota ei lueta ääneenKohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenPelityyli: VakavaPelityyli: Kevyet säännötPelityyli: TarinavetoinenPelityyli: HahmovetoinenKieli: SuomiKieli: Englanti