< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Divining Fates - How to Larp a Tarot Reader

Laeticia Söderman-De la Torre
Sali 209, (1 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Telling fortunes and fates is a time-honored profession that has still a steady presence in the modern world. This lecture, given by a professional tarot reader, will aim to cover the topic from both the gm’s and the players perspective.

How to write or play a character who is a professional diviner? What ethical povs should maybe be adressed when comes to both background story and outward appearance? How to deliver an authentic-looking tarot reading without years of study and a handbook next to you? What does a professional reader do anyway? How does the profession show in the daily life?

The divininatory tool used in the lecture will be tarot, and short introduction to the cards will be given, but the general content will be applicable on all kinds of diving tools and characters from runes to trancework.

Sisältövaroitukset: Magic, questions of death, supernatural phenomena
Päivä: lauantaiOhjelmatyyppi: PuheohjelmaOhjelmatyyppi: EsitelmäTeema: LarppaaminenTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 209Esteettömyys: Materiaalit voivat tuottaa haasteita värisokeilleKohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenKieli: Englanti