< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Animal farmers - 1st run (eng)

Touko Hanhijoki
Sali 312, (2 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

Rumors are circulating, that the animals of a local farm have started talking and that the man of the house has been suspiciously quiet and hairy. A group of adventurers should resolve the situation nicely.

The game is a silly light adventure/mystery resembling modern DnD. We are trying out a playtest of a upcoming system called Daggerheart.

No prior knowledge required, although the system is not rules-light.

Pelin slogan: Typical fantasy adventuring with talking animals
Pelisysteemi: Daggerheart open beta
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 5
Päivä: sunnuntaiOhjelmatyyppi: PelaaminenTeema: PöytäroolipelitTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 312Kohderyhmä: Sopii kaiken ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenPelityyli: KevytKieli: Englanti