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Things That Go Bump in the Night: the Monstrous, the Queer &, How We Play Them

Sharang Biswas
Sali 103, (1 h 45 min)
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From subtle, hidden metaphors for titillation to overt gay caricatures, monstrosity and queerness have long been intertwined in our stories and our media. In this talk, Sharang Biswas will discuss some of the history of the “monstrous queer” in literature and cinema, and how games and modern media draw on this rich tradition to address issues of queerness today.

Dag: lauantaiProgramtyp: TalkProgramtyp: PresentationTema: Guests of HonorTema: MonstersSal: Sali 103Målgrupp: Aimed at adult attendeesSpråk: English