Program in Ropecon 2024

TitleLocation and time
Halli 1 Spektaakkelisali, (45 min)
It's True Because It's Fake: Emotions in Role Playing
Sali 103, (45 min)
Sharang Biswas: How Do You Want to Do This? Games, Verbs, & Procedures
Sali 103, (45 min)
First They Came: a blindfold RPG by Alessandro Giovannucci
Sali 218, (4 h)
Things That Go Bump in the Night: the Monstrous, the Queer &, How We Play Them
Sali 103, (1 h 45 min)
A Dirge for Eldest: a larp by Sharang Biswas
Sali 211, (4 h)
Chaos League Collective - an Underdog History
Sali 103, (1 h 45 min)
Halli 1 Spektaakkelisali, (1 h)

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