Program in Ropecon 2024

TitleLocation and time
Kulholarppi, 1. pelautus
Sali 218, (1 h)
First They Came: a blindfold RPG by Alessandro Giovannucci
Sali 218, (4 h)
The last cry of the forest / Metsien viimeinen huuto, 2. run/2. pelautus
Sali 218, (4 h)
Vaeltajien tarina
Sali 218, (3 h 30 min)
Arsenic & Lies, 1. run
Sali 218, (3 h)
Arsenic & Lies, 2. run
Sali 218, (3 h)
Saaren kutsu, 2. pelautus
Sali 218, (2 h 15 min)

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