< Takaisin tapahtuman Solmukohta 2024 ohjelmaan

The NBGQ Party

Room 223, (1 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

aka The Nonbinary | Gender Queer | Gender Rebel | Gender Fuckery one-hour-room party

This is a one hour room party for all people who sometimes or always don’t identify with the gender assigned to them at birth and do not entirely subscribe to the gender binary while doing so. Otherwise also known as - non binary, - gender queer, - gender fluid or - otherwise besides the usual gender norms of "man" and / or "woman". Feel welcome to join in the fracas of dancing and mingling, talking and possibly awkward flirting (none of this is required!).

Content warnings: Loud noises, Flashing lights

Päivä: torstaiTapahtuma: SolmukohtaOhjelman tyyppi (Solmukohta): Social/party/ritualEnnakkoilmoittautuminen: EiSali (Solmukohta): Room 223