< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Zombies! Fight!

Jonne "Tenchi Jin" Taivassalo
Sali 102, (1 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Zombies! It is time to fight back!

Walkers? Runners? Undead? Immune to pain? What should we know to keep ourselves and our allies safe from zombies? Often movies, series and games portray zombie fighting in very weird ways, if you stop and think about it for one moment. Let’s take fighting zombies way too seriously for once and try to train how to really fight them. And let’s have fun while doing it!

Bring clothes that allow free movement. Some sweat is possible, but our training approach is more technical than ”sporty”.

Your instructor has been training martial arts way too seriously over half of his life even before the world ended and his skills became daily necessity. He took transdimensional portal to come and teach you what you need when the next pandemic actually hits… He did not elaborate how soon the ”sooner than you think” actually is according to him.

Sign up through Konsti starting Friday July 19 at 6 pm.

Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 12
Päivä: lauantaiOhjelmatyyppi: LiikunnallinenOhjelmatyyppi: TyöpajaTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 102Esteettömyys: Fyysinen kontakti ja/tai suppea henkilökohtaisen tilan mahdollisuusEsteettömyys: Paljon liikkumista ilman mahdollisuutta istumiseenEsteettömyys: Vaatii sorminäppäryyttäKohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenKieli: Englanti