< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Ludusoma Ropecon – Play Goes Meditation (Ropecon Edition) 1

Ludusoma - Ville Susi
Sali 104, (2 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

Play & Meditation At the intersection of these two powerful and mysterious moods and “energies”, interesting things begin to happen, and we become aware of the world and ourselves in a new way. 😊 ❤

Ludus = Play, Game, Playful Love Soma = Lived body and object body together form the soma Duso = Developing Understanding of Self and Others

Play – Meditation – Consciousness – Exploration. In workshops, we play, practice, share, understand play, meditate, explore play, meditate while playing, play meditatively, and play with body awareness.

What is known about play? Where does play arise from? What about the playful mind? Where does play begin, and where does it end? What is the smallest possible play? What is the difference between play, playfulness, and playfulness? What is the Magic Circle, and how does it relate to play? What is the spirit of play, and how is it called? What if the universe is just playing?

The entire workshop can be seen as a deep but safe meditation, a pause and movement meditation that focuses on play. We examine and practice play, playfulness, and playfulness, especially in relation to body awareness. The content of the workshop varies and is determined by the situation.

Each workshop takes place if a sufficient number of participants attend. The minimum number of is two participants. Recommended amount is 3-4.

This can be seen as an introduction to meditation through play but also as an introduction to body-conscious play (for example participants for whom body awareness or meditation is somewhat familiar.)😊

Sign up throught Konsti on Friday at 6PM.

Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 30
Päivä: lauantaiOhjelmatyyppi: TyöpajaSali: Sali 104Kohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenKieli: SuomiKieli: Englanti