< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Last Minute Sewing

Johanna "Jo" Granvik
Sali 210, (2 h 45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

"Help! The larp is around the corner and I have nothing to wear!" Admit it, you have been in this situation. Maybe you are in this situation right now? This workshop will help you get going, and prepare you for future situations where this might occur.

We will start with a short talk about easy and quick costume fixes. Then a presentation of easy patterns for larp clothes after which a sewing frenzy will take place for those who want to sew. It is also possible to get help with and create your own patterns here.

If you wish to sew of work on a costume, please bring your own materials.

This program runs in English but help will also be given in Finnish and Swedish.

There is advance registration for this workshop in Konsti starting on Saturday 10 am

Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 18
Päivä: lauantaiOhjelmatyyppi: TyöpajaTeema: KäsityötSali: Sali 210Esteettömyys: Vaatii sorminäppäryyttäKohderyhmä: Suunnattu 13–17-vuotiailleKohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKohderyhmä: AloittelijaystävällinenKieli: EnglantiKieli: Ruotsi