< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

First They Came: a blindfold RPG by Alessandro Giovannucci

Sali 218, (4 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

This game is designed to be played blindfolded or in the dark to imitate the conditions in which the characters in the story find themselves. Facilitated by Alessandro Giovannucci.

Berlin 1942, a gray morning, an apartment, a suburban building. You heard them coming with sirens blaring and ran to the only place you could hide: the attic. It’s dark here, the ducts inside the walls carry the sounds of the tormentors searching the building for you. You hold your breath. Then a whisper. You are not alone.

First They Came tells the story of a group of fugitives in Berlin 1942.

Hahmojen määrä: 3
Päivä: perjantaiOhjelmatyyppi: PelaaminenTeema: LarppaaminenTeema: KunniavieraatSali: Sali 218Esteettömyys: Pimeä/heikko valaistusEsteettömyys: Kesto yli 2 tuntia ilman taukojaKohderyhmä: Suunnattu täysi-ikäisilleKieli: Englanti