< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Delta Green: The Primal Lay

Jukka Hiltunen
Sali 302, (3 h)
📝 Anna palautetta

"If you could see into the future of others, but could not change the upcoming suffering, downfall and destruction... would you try to ease the pain or be truthful? Or would you speed things up for the greater good?" Scotts Valley, California, July, 2018. A local SWAT team prepares to support a joint FBI-DEA operation against a potentially violent and abusive drug cult, unknowing what the future will bring.

Delta Green is a game where the unnatural is real and it kills. The world of Delta Green is like our own, but beyond the edges of reality are powers that outstrip the human mind’s capacity for understanding. Sometimes those powers bleed through into our world and destroy everything they touch. This is a horror game for adult audiences.

In this game, all player characters are members of a SWAT team assisting in a joint search, detainment and rescue operation. Players do not need to know about law enforcement or tactical operations to play the game successfully. The game will have a combative element, that requires quick thinking & reactivity, but this will not be the main course. Safety mechanics are in use to keep the game safe & comfortable for all participants. The game can be played in Finnish or English.

Pelin slogan: Unnatural terror does not sway at gunpoint
Pelisysteemi: Delta Green (2016)
Minimiosallistujamäärä: 3
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 4
Sisältövaroitukset: Violence and gore, existential dread and gloom, mental health issues, substance and physical abuse, unnatural horror elements, tight spaces
Päivä: lauantaiOhjelmatyyppi: PelaaminenTeema: PöytäroolipelitTeema: HirviötSali: Sali 302Esteettömyys: Kesto yli 2 tuntia ilman taukojaEsteettömyys: Pitkien tekstien itsenäistä lukemistaEsteettömyys: Tekstiä, josta ei ole saatavilla nauhoitetta tai jota ei lueta ääneenEsteettömyys: Vaatii nopeaa reaktiokykyäKohderyhmä: Vain täysi-ikäisillePelityyli: VakavaPelityyli: TarinavetoinenKieli: SuomiKieli: Englanti