< Takaisin tapahtuman Ropecon 2024 ohjelmaan

Adding Angles to Exploration: the Basics of Hexcrawling

Joonas "Dæmon" Lind
Sali 205, (45 min)
📝 Anna palautetta

In roleplaying games exploration often gets top billing as a gameplay pillar yet ends up being neglected in terms of tools. And without tools, the game master will be fending for themselves to give the experience.

Hexcrawling is one of the most popular toolsets to prepare and implement exploration into games, though the number of ways it can be implemented can seem quite daunting. This presentation will explain the basics of hexcrawling and how to make it work for your table.

Päivä: sunnuntaiOhjelmatyyppi: PuheohjelmaOhjelmatyyppi: EsitelmäSali: Sali 205Kohderyhmä: Sopii kaiken ikäisilleKieli: Englanti