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Magic the Gathering: Battlebox

Katariina Kanto, Sini Ahlberg
Halli 3 Kokemuspiste, (3 h)
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Esittelyssä pelimuoto MTGtä, jossa on mahdollisimman hauskoja pelejä kaverin kanssa. Tule kokeilemaaan millaista on, kun manan puute ei ole koskaan ongelma ja tiukkoja tilanteita tulee tuon tuostakin. Kokeiltavana oleva boksi on rakentunut vuosien pelailun aikana ja annamme myös vinkkejä oman version rakentamiseen, jos innostut!

Demonstrating a format of MTG that enables games to be as fun as possible. Come experience what it's like when mana is never an issue and games are always very close. The box presented has been built over many years of playing and we offer tips for building one of your own, if this is your jam!

RPG system: Magic the Gathering
Maximum attendance: 8
Day: lauantaiProgram Type: ExperienceProgram Type: GamingProgram Type: Open gamingTopic: Card gamesRoom: Halli 3 KokemuspisteTarget Audience: Suitable for all agesLanguage: FinnishLanguage: English